What is A Task Management System?

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What is a Task Management System?

Task management is the process of managing a task through its life cycle. By which an organization or any individual can perform multiple tasks and manage them efficiently. In is an important but hefty process to comply to improve the productivity. As every aspect of every field is trying to improvise with the help of technology. The IT experts and Software Developers like us (A.S.O.L) introduced a way by which this process too can be automated and make the task management much efficient and smoother in nature.

These Task Management Software helps in the Management of different levels of tasks so that the workload can be divided among the employees and can be managed accordingly with much less emphasize on managerial activity physically.

In a lot of cases the tasks are distributed for completion on various location geographically and different employees. Tracking of every task becomes so much easier and the tasks can be evaluated and determination of resources and time required for each task helps in the future tasks of similar properties in nature. This system not just helps in productivity but also on cost efficiency.

Features And Importance of Task Management Software

These are the basic features that every Task Management Software should always have to maintain the credibility and improvise the performance although not every pre-built software can provide every kind of feature in their single application that can be used by every kind of organization but these are the ones that every Task Management Software should contain.

1. Easy creation of tasks

Any Project can be divided into multiple tasks and sub tasks easily and can be categorized as per their nature of work.

2. Task Allocation

What happens most of the time is that some employees have nothing to wok on and some gets a whole bunch of tasks. So to cope up unfair and unproductive workload allocation of tasks should be divided among employees for their proper utilization.

3. Productivity and Analysis

Progress of every task can be analyzed. The cost they are occurring and the time they are consuming so that the performances of every individual task and employee can be evaluated and change the method of work as per the needs.

4. Resources Allocation

Resources that are needed to complete a particular task can be allocated through the task management software itself and their use can also be tracked to maintain the tracking of usage.

5. Managerial Ease

Managing multiple tasks at once has never been easier before. All the tasks and their progress in front of You on a single screen. All the information about any event is just a click away. This makes management so much feasible in nature.

6. Communication

Employees working on a same project can be on different geographical locations conducting the tasks of that project, needs to be well informed about each other and should have a well functionalized communication system to use. This can help them to get the followups about each other’s work and what needs to be done after a task reaches a particular stage.

7. Completion Deadline

Every task can be assigned with a deadline in which that task needs to be completed. This feature can help in the evaluation of further similar task which in turn can be used to evaluate the efficiency of the employees working on it.

8. Graphical Representation

A picture is worth the thousand words they say and that is correct specially when it comes to representation of data. The graphically generated data can make the evaluation of tasks much easier and comparing of tasks with estimated and actual results helps a lot in making decisions of the outcome.

9. Project Evaluation

All the collected data can be summed up after the completion of the project to check out the performances of each and every employee assigned to their particular tasks, the resources allocated to them and the outcome it has generated in the given time.

Process used in Task Management Software

This is the Normal Process that should be followed by any Task Management Software although it can vary from one system to another according to the criteria of work and software functionality. There should always be a capability to change in any kind of business or organizational software.

1. Creation of Project

At first Main Project is created. This is the actual work that is needed to be done.

2. Division of Tasks

Project is divided among smaller tasks to maintain the workflow that need to follow and complete the main project faster.

3. Assigning Deadline

Every Task is assigned with a deadline.

4. Allotment of Resources

Resources related to the completion of the task are allocated at the very beginning so that the work doesn’t get delayed due to the lack of resources

5. Allotment of Employees

After the task got everything to get started they are transferred to the person best suitable for that job.

6. Status Inspection

Every step in the process of task completion can be inspected to see if the work is going on as per the plan or there is any trouble between the tasks

7. Problem Resolving And Communication

Communication plays a vital role to maintain the pace of work and solve any problem that comes within the project. If any problem occurs then it can be informed to superior so that it can be resolved as soon as possible.

8. Evaluation of Completed Task

After the Completion of the tasks, they can be analyzed to seek out the production and the utilization of resources for making decisions to improvise the performance in the future.

Some of the Task Management Software available in the market

Why Choose Us?

When You go out in the market You are gonna find a lot of Software. Some with its strongest feature Security, some are good with time management some are easy to record Your data, some are good with multitasking and maybe some would have a better communication system. Every software solution have its own specialty its own features. But no one is gonna give You every feature that should be in a Business Solutions Software specially for You.

Now You can be an individual, trying to get the software for Your personal household work or in Your sole proprietorship kind of business handling all the tasks and workload Yourself, or You can be an small to medium scale business owner having some employees working under You and You want to distribute the workload among them and also have to manage all of it Yourself, or You have a large scale business where employees are expanding all of the different geographical location so You want a Software with better communication channel and a better and secured network among them.

As an Individual You get a software with the features that You don’t even need or as an organization You get a software which does not fulfill the criteria that Your business needs to carry on day to day basis.

What others do they create a software and tries to sell it to every kind of customer without focusing on what they need. That is why we don’t have any built in software for these kind of business needs. We make Custom tailored software built specially for You and Your requirements. Nothing more nothing less. You should always pay for what You get.

We research and understand Your business activity, Your work style and then determine what You need and make it according to Your taste and suitability. Its Back-end and User Interface everything as per Your requirements. The system that makes You comfortable to look at and make Your work smooth is the one that improvises the productivity.

We Provide Best in Class Services to Our Clients, Whether it is an Application Software, Web Development Services or Technical Support for Your Business needs.

Contact Us if You need Task Management Software or any kind of Business Solution.

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